So my parents were wanting to leval out the side of the yard by filling it up with dirt to get rie of the cliff they had. Clint offered to do it so he and his dad loaded up the tractor and clint got to work well he was having way to much fun for it to be considered work. He looked pretty cute on it so I just had to take some pictures. I got Tucker and Andie in on it as well.
This year thanksgiving was kinda weird ther wasn't as many people a normal and my sister and her family went to her inlaws. All in all it was a beautiful day and I had fun. After we got done eating and cleaned up we went bowling wadn it was fun my dad's a bit of a bad loser so of course he didn't go. Oh well his loss
Tucker looked so darn cuet saturday morning so I just had to take some pictures. So me clint, tucker, kellie, brook, shan, lincoln, andie,and mom all went to the jubilee of trees and santa was ther so we just had to get some pictures.
So my sister and i decided to make some brown paper bag turkeys and hand print turkeys the kids really had fun, but to be honest I think I enjoyed it the most:)
So we had a little gathering up to my grandma neighbor's today and everyone was there. EVERYONE. My uncle Joe and hes whole family made it from cali it was good to see them. So here's a few pictures for you to look at. Hope you like;)